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REAL Success Stories

NOTE: Below are REAL client testimonials (Names have been changed / abbreviated to protect identities)

"Since starting your program, the right side of my face has only 1 blemish, but I have quite a few dark red marks left behind from previous pimples. I certainly don't break out like I was. My forehead doesn't have as many red bumps. I'm determined to be completely clear though."

Chase C.Real Client

"Its amazing how I can already feel the difference in my body and see it through my acne. It has been real tough doing a 180 degree turn with my eating and lifestyle in general but you have been very helpful. All of this is so new to me and its been a real eye opener. I really appreciate it and hope to continue learning more from your experiences."

Thomas Q.Real Client

"Honestly, I did not trust the site to begin with. But once I tried it for myself, I realized it was more than correct. I personally tried everything and this site saved my life and my confidence. I owe this site a donation when I am older. Thanks Ray Wang"

Chris N.Real Client

"Hi Ray, Alright, thanks! By the way, I didn't say this before, but thanks for doing what you're doing. I've already started incorporating the Acne Free Diet into my life and already have some progress with my skin. :)"

Karissa A.Real Client

"Hey still having great results... However wondering if I can add more protein to my diet? ... HAPPY NEW YEAR."

Moses D.Real Client

"truth be told ray, my acne actually did improve a lot during these 30 days… Thanks so much Ray! Don't know what I would do without you!"

Jonathan F.Real Client

"Coming from a hispanic background a lot of my family eats bean and I've been avoiding the beans just to be sure. Since the beans are very acidic should i eat them with vegetables or should i not eat them at all. Well Ray thanks once again for the tip about the oatmeal.

My acne has been getting better since I've been following the regimen! So once again thank you for the amazing deal with the videos and the charts you have my my word that im not going to refund this! =)"

Francisco C.Real Client

"I felt the lifestyle was really unique and go against many of things I heard was healthy. like who knew fruit can be bad for your acne. I try to eat a couple of blueberries to get some fruit in my diet. I started to have acne when I was 14.

I traveled to my country and it got really bad where it was covering my whole face. When I came back I realized I needed to do something.

So I looked up many sites to get rid of acne and that's where I stumbled across your site. Like I said I was skeptical but I decided to give it a shot.

Now I have clear skin with really light acne scarring. I use to exfoliate every week but now I rarely do it. I learned to control my eating habits all thanks to you Ray."

Chris S.Real Client

"Hey Ray, First off I'd like to thank you for bringing together all this highly useful information. I've been through many different face washes and creams and I've realized the real drivers of my acne in college has been my diet.

I found your analysis of the difference omega acids found in western food culture to be very intriguing.

Nonetheless, I have a decision to make and could use your advice…Thanks again for all your efforts. Your work should be exposed to the world, but you know big corporations have to keep pushing their acne-related products..."

Alex W.Real Client

More Success Stories

Still reading? Below are more client testimonials (Names have been changed / abbreviated to protect identities)


Thanks for your response and I completely understand. I appreciate your help, your site and information I believe has a chance to turn my life around.

Not only have I seen improvement in my skin but I was also suffering from fibromyalgia and joint stiffness. Both have improved.

I was hoping you can help point me to where I can get kefir from goats milk online.

Im having a hard time finding it.


– Scott P.


A good New York Morning to you Ray –

I was so excited to get your response to my email! I am sorry that you have to go through hundreds of bland/boring emails – why don’t people have personalities? I don’t get it? Even kids – 10-11 years old – wake up the imagination will ya!! I blame TV & video games – they call it an “idiot box” for a reason!! Me and my effervescent-ness like to have a positive wave to ride all day.

Okay – to answer your inquiries to your program. I chose your program because I liked your demeanor – you didn’t seem like a schiester – you HAD acne and you took care of it yourself – and I know that you have to repeat yourself over and over to the client because we are all thick in the brain and once isn’t enough. I call it “planting the seed” of knowledge – just sneak the idea in there and it will germinate like it was their own idea!!

Let’s see – during the winter months,it has been my habit to study a new diet. Nothing that I deliberately started to do – but has evolved. Our little village has a wonderful library and each winter I read a diet/nutrition book and always hoped that it would take me to clear skin – balanced hormones and clean bowels!! My favorite book was called the body type diet. It was this old 50’s book with hilarious line drawings that based your diet on your cravings and body shape and 4-5 glands (you were either an adrenal, gonad, thyroid and others I can’t remember) – I ended up being a “pear” shaped gonad! I would tell people I could not eat “that” because it was gonad food!!

Ha ha – had a blast with that. Anyways – your program has taken me to a couple of places – mainly because of kefir. I had never heard of it before and googled it and am now hoping to make my own and actually have some brewing in the cupboard. There is a woman in town here that raises milk goats and I will be able to get raw milk from her as well as her yogurt and goat cheese. So you have taken me to another level of organic eating. I really like the “live” eating concept and have found numerous websites and you tube videos.

There is a Revive Cafe on you tube and she is located in Fresno AZ – would love to go there. I also love using baking soda and vinegar in your program! – In my shower every day! So simple it’s unbelievable!

As for my skin I am happy to report that you are definitely helping my skin clear! I have one huge scab on my face right now – but it is healing faster than before and my face has a lovely softness to it now. Before it was like an avalanche of pimples raining down my hairline/forehead down – always having my bangs covering it – you know the drill. My biggest problem with the acne is that I am a picker – pincher. I have one of those stinkin’ mirrors 10x the magnification and everything looks huge!! Step away from the mirror – step away from the mirror.

Okay – I also think that the acne I have been experiencing is hormonal – and you did say in the video that the omega’s will help regulate the hormones – and as it goes for every action there is a reaction. My hormones at 50 (almost 51) I’m sure are all over the place. I was experiencing hot flashes last fall but they went away and the acne came in at full force. So now that I have been on the omega oil with the correct ratio – I feel a little hotter than usual and less acne – so far I can tolerate the heat but I don’t like it!! I will never go back to the dermatologist – never take another antibiotic.

I received an email to have a one on one with you – sign me up! Keep up the good work Ray – Everyone I know works hard – sounds like you do too.

Your pal,

– Judy M.


I have tried multiple of things to get rid of my acne, even though its not severe it caused me a lot of grief and I wouldn’t like to look in certain mirrors where I could see lumps under my makeup from where my pimples were.

I have always been passionate about healing your body naturally and should have known better then trying to take anti-biotics for my skin and using proactive as it only makes my skin more red and irritated and the anti-biotics where destroying all my good bacteria in my body!

After two days I have seen results in my skin and my energy levels! I have always been a health fanatic and never eaten bad food but this didn’t mean my healthy organic fresh diet didn’t need tweeking to get my skin clear!

I feel like I can let my bubbly happy personality come through thanks to Ray, this program isnt just putting a bandaid on the problem like most prescription medication, its healing you from inside out and fixing it!

This is one of the reason’s Im of to become a naturopath next year, people need to concentrate on what they put into there body! its true the saying “you are what you eat”!!

– Celeste H.


Hey Ray,

First I wanna say that I really like your “Acne Regime”. I saw all the videos and, now I know so much about my own body, that I didn’t know before.

– Olivia A.

One really important thing that like about HTCYA is that I can actually see you on your videos. Like the Acne No More program you don’t know who the person is, you are just hearing his voice.

I hate those videos on websites where you only hear a voice talking and then there are some different pictures + that you don’t know how long the video is so you maybe sits and listen to it for 30 minutes… It’s NOT very credible to listen to someone you can’t see.

Then like many other people think, I also think it’s nice, to talk with a person who have been through the same like your self.

When I saw your videos on youtube I really felt like “This guy seems really credible and not like some total douche trying to do a stupid commercial for his own product”. One of the videos I really liked was the video with your before and after pictures, the one that was 27 min. long.

I watched the whole video because I know exactly what you were talking about, so I just wanted to hear all you had to say.

Then I like your book “10 things every acne sufferer must know” and the price for it is nice. There were actually many things that I didn’t know about what causes my acne so im really glad I bought it.

I love your websites for having these free articles that everyone can read.

That also made me thinking again that I could trust HTCYA as a worthy program, to spent my money on. The store on the website is also great. It’s so awesome that it’s possible to talk with you on Skype.

Who don’t wanna talk to a person that know so much about clearing your acne?

I think that was everything I had to say =)

– Kristian S.


I do feel like you get it but I also like that you seem to be realistic in understanding that you get what you put into your body. I guess it made me take a step back and realize how much of a sugar freak I really am! Haha.

I like that you sometimes also give yourself a break from the regimen and eat what you want but know that there can be some consequences along side with it.

Most of all I appreciate the fact that you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

I had a baby over a year ago and while I was pregnant my skin was so much better. Then I read what you had to offer and realized that I was taking my vitamins daily, my psyllium Husk, and drinking a ton of water. I also think I didn’t eat as bad knowing it would effect my baby.

I never would have understood that connection if it wasn’t for you and your program, so thank you and thank you for taking time out to reply. I will definitely recommend you to others!

– Jessy G.

Dear Ray,

I really appreciate you answering all my questions. You have been extremely helpful and it is only day three of the program for me! I can already feel my body changing, it is almost unbelievable.

– Thomas U.

Thank you so much Ray! That’s a great relief.

Also, when I said ‘finally’ I meant it as a great thing! What I meant by ‘finally’ is that for so many years I have tried every avenue to cure my acne with all kinds of doctors suggesting pills, creams, quick-fix synthetic vitamins, facials and skin treatments like microdermabrasion.

I already eat very healthy and try to live a sustainable lifestyle with the large majority of my food coming from the local organic farmers market & everything else such as coconut oil, seed mixes and some proteins from my health food shop.

So when I found your website that aims to treat naturally through diet, I thought “YAY, finally someone out there can help me heal my acne without harming the rest of my body. WOOHOO!”

You are an absolute life-saver (literally) in my eyes and I wish there was more people out there teaching these methods…

Thanks so much!

Warmest Regards,

– Jennifer L.

Hey Ray

My skin has improved a lot since I started following your Acne-Free-Program – as I’ve already told you in previous mails.

I didn’t really have a bad case of acne, but I had some and it controlled my mood and self-esteem a lot! (in a negative way). It’s been approximately 3 weeks since I started following your program and I am getting a lot less pimples.

It’s amazing.

Furthermore I’m starting to see my blemishes fade gradually. The biggest and most noticeable change so far is my oil production, which has been decreasing a lot – I finally have soft and “un-oily” skin.

It is so great!

I’m really looking forward to continue following this program – it has already helped me a lot.

After all the products I’ve been using in the past to only be left witnessing an even worse skin I have finally found the solution: your program. It’s a great feeling, when you know you’re on the right track.

You learn so much by watching the program and the material you get can’t just be found somewhere else on the internet. No, the info you get is unfortunately not common sense, but oh boy I’m glad that there are at least one person to share it all.

So thank you! I check your website every now and then in case new content should occur, because I want to learn and learn! And I’ve already learned so much 🙂

Talk to you later! 🙂

– Jack E.

Hey Ray

Thank you for describing the “procedure” – that was just the answer I looked for.

And I would love to give some well-deserved positive feedback.

Okay I have two very minor complaint/wishes. The first is just a technical thing. The last three minutes of vol. 6 have no sound unfortunately. Luckily, it is just those 3 minutes and I would guess it really does not make that big of a difference, because of the fact that it is in the end and therefore kind of a summarization. But just FYI.

And the second which is a kind of wish, and I do not know if you are allowed to do so because of sponsors or anything, but as a client and viewer of this program I would really have loved some links or simply just brand recommendations to the mentioned supplements and such stuff. That would have been a great little extra bonus 🙂

I have watched the first 6 volumes of the program and therefore my feedback is of course based on that 🙂 I still have the outer skin care section and methods of clear skin left to watch.

So the program… how good is it?

Dude, IT IS THE BEST! And I sincerely mean it! Everybody (also people without acne) should watch this. It should be a “life rule”!

First of the structure is just perfect: you talking about your own experience, then the causes of acne, then what not to do and what to do. Just perfect 🙂

It looks very professional while at the same time you present yourself in a relaxed way – it is cozy and nice to watch the videos because of the atmosphere you have created.

And oh boy.. the knowledge. It is just tremendous how much wisdom and knowledge you get as a client from watching the videos and reading the e-book and diagrams provided within the program itself. Just the fact that you are the first person I see go so much in detail about this make this so motivating. And believe me… I have read a lot myself all over the internet and in school for that matter, but you have all the knowledge and experience everyone else out there talking about acne is missing. I cannot complain about the program in any way. Seriously, I cannot.

(Also, there are more than 8 hours of material – that is just…. crazy in the most positive way. I love it! 🙂 It also shows that this is real stuff and true words).

So as a conclusion to my thoughts listed above I just want to say: please do not ever stop this, it is the knowledge every individual needs.

Talk to you in a future e-mail 🙂

Best regards

– Neal Y.

Wow. That is a long time Ray. That must have sucked. I know I would have not the will power to continue things and be socially open to everyone. I found your website in the beginning of 2010. I had acne all over my face for about 6 months. Those six months were the longest months in my life.

I felt like I was cursed with horrible skin. I tried my mom’s natural acne topical cream. She got it from a health vitamin store. I tried it and it made my acne worse. I used to put honey on my face all the time to lower the redness.

I always had these homemade mixtures that I would put on my skin like oatmeal and lemon.

I would sit on my bed and hope it would clean my face. Then I realized that topical were not working so I stumbled across your website. I saw your before and after pictures and I knew I came across something special. I found your youtube channel and saw all of your videos.

I learned so much from your website that now I am interested in nutrition. I would like to privately message you for more info on nutrition because I strongly believe a healthy diet can work wonders that modern medicine misses out. I know your knowledge would greatly influence a young striving enthusiast about nutrition.

I know your website can change lives and that is why I fully believe in it.

Thanks for everything Ray.

– Chris O.

Hi Ray,

First off, I’d like to thank you for creating an amazing website that’s filled with honest and insightful knowledge on acne; demystifying, demonstrating, deconstructing the bullshit that lots of people are fed by industries responsible for creating “acne-cures”.

I’m sure that when people read your website’s posts, they feel that you’re talking TO them and not at them, and I’m sure you know that it makes a huge difference. 🙂 Those insights of yours had further driven that 17 year old kid’s conviction and resolve in battling acne then, about 9 months ago.

Now, i still get a little bit of acne from time to time from stress but all in all, it’s been a HUGE difference.

That aside, i have a question for you if it’s not too much trouble, it’s not exactly related to acne but it is related to the skin. I guess, it’s to do with skin complexions – so, i used to have lighter skin but after a year of getting under the sun daily without sunscreen or what not… yeah, it’s not as light as before.

I was wondering, since most of the battle against acne vulgaris is through caring for yourself, internally (diet and sleep) and lesser so externally (those skin products and creams are far from miracle cures), could it be the same for lightening one’s skin complexion?

Ah, uhm i’ve read some and they’re mostly repetitive advice about exfoliating and applying sunscreen… it’s been awhile but my skin has not seemed to get any lighter as it was before.

So i was wondering, have i missed something out and more importantly, does nutrition play a big part in this anyhow? Yeah, uhm it’s kind of off-topic but I was hoping that you could share some insights.

Thank you for your time!

– Cherie


Hi ray,

I have finished watching your program and have followed the diet fairly close the last month.

now i have almost no new pimples, However, i still have a fairly large amount of acne scars.

some of them more than just discolorations,, but depressions.

you mentioned there are natural ways to clear acne scars, can you explain them further and help me with my problem?


– Peter S.

Hi Dr. Ray,

I just wanted to tell you that my skin is clearing up and I am so happy!! Thank you!

I am 2 days away from day 10 on your Acne Coach Diet and I am loving it! I am planning to make this diet my lifestyle and only cheat on weekends.

Thank you so much Ray! You saved my life! And I am so happy that I found your website! Many thanks!

– Shoug K

Hi Ray:

My name is Doris.

I am Asian & for the last 20 somewhat years I thought I was eating healthy. I was known for being the skinny and nice skin gal at school…but my acnes started after I had my kids, which was about 8/9 years ago.

I am very thankful to have discovered your website!!! I have tried everything and can sooo related to what you had experienced. I spent so much money tried to cure my face.

I thank you for your dedication to helping others…God bless you for what you do!!!

I have been on and off following your regimen for about a month, when I was good, I felt my acnes were disappearing but when I had the wrong foods then acnes appear the very next day or two.

The main reason is I’m still not sure what I should or shouldn’t eat yet to some degree because I have cut carbs completely for a week (before then I was still having whole wheat bread when I was very hungry even after eating my meals); and I stop sweets for a month now, occasionally a fiber bar that contain more fiber than sugar (not sure if that’s affecting me as well).

But I’m committed to cut out carbs & sweets completely & follow the regimen until my body is back to normal. I have watched all your videos on my acne coach, I have learned so much and have shared your website with a few friends.

– Doris C.

To Ray,

Anyway, to my point. I followed the habits outlined in the book and saw awesome results.

Most of my acne is cleared and I don’t even really need to do much, but because I recognize how much time and effort you put into your new program, and because I really just enjoy learning about health and nutrition, I bought your new product that has all of the videos you made.

I hope this will help clear up some gaps I have about acne and nutrition and hopefully “finish the job” and get my face back to almost 100% clear, along with fading some scarring…

I’m also making a video blog to track my progress with HTCYA. Because most of my acne has gone away I’m doing this mostly just to document the effects it has on acne scars and overall complexion, and to see if it can finally clear up the last remaining acne that I have, along with the red spots.

I already can tell it’s going to be awesome!

By the way, I really admire everything that you’re doing.

All of the effort you’ve put into this. You’re a true entrepreneur and deserve great things. The fact that you’re doing this while obtaining a masters degree is extraordinary. I’m having trouble just keeping up with school getting my undergrad in nutrition and exercise science.

But hey, if this gets me completely acne free I’m seriously going to write you out a well-worthy check.

Hit me back,

– Louis I.

My Acne Coach Review

There were two weeks left of summer then I would be headed off to college for my sophomore year. I had been trying a new acne product since the beginning of the summer and was hopeful that it would clear up my acne by school but it failed, just like every other product I have tried. I laid in my bed that night looking up acne products and stories of how people dealt with depression from acne.

This was when I stumbled across one of Ray’s youtube videos telling his story with acne.

I am usually very skeptical of a product at first, but everything Ray talked about in his video about missing out on high school and college because of being self-conscious of his acne was exactly how I felt.

I could tell Ray was sincere about wanting to help clear peoples acne because he truly understood how much it sucks to always be thinking of your face. I ordered the program right away and absorbed all the information I could from his 14 hour My Acne Coach volume.

Within three days of changing my diet and learning from Ray how nutrition affects your acne I saw results.

It was amazing how beneficial eating the right way was. I had hope again of getting rid of my acne, but I did not stop there. Ray offered a 30 day free emailing consultation that was one of the greatest perks to My Acne Coach. I could ask Ray all the questions about foods, vitamins, and pretty much anything that came to mind and he would answer.

I am about three weeks into the program and my acne has become significantly better.

I have 100% faith that this program will keep my acne away for good so I can enjoy life without staring in the mirror every second of the day.

– Thomas C.

Hello Ray!

Well I always had a guy feeling about how acne and food are very closely related, but never knew how to confront it. I had found this program by just typing in how to clear your acne and viola I found your website.

I started reading some articles you posted on how you’ve been fighting acne through a lot of your teenage years and some adult. I could really relate to some of the problems you faced. I had first bought your book 10 Secrets Every Acne Sufferer Must Know and once I finished reading the book I realized how much more knowledge you have on the subject than just 10 secrets. I had bought the whole My Acne Coach Program after.

Watching all the videos gave me the knowledge to fight my acne and control it once and for all.

I’m only 2 and half weeks into the program and my skin is greatly improving!

I love how the regimen doesn’t have to be followed to the letter, but how it gives you the idea of what you can and can’t do! Buying this program was probably the best decision I’ve made when it comes to fighting acne.

If anyone reads this I highly recommend you to buy it because it gives you knowledge to get rid of acne and keep it off!

Starting the regimen may be a little hard for some people, but everything takes time. So Ray once again thank you for everything that you’ve with the videos all the way to the e-mail clearing your acne with this regimen isn’t the fastest but it is the best!

– Francisco R.


I’m glad that I got the chance to meet up with Ray. At first, I was nervous and skeptical about meeting up with a total stranger from the internet to talk about acne. But he is actually a very easy-going and nice guy.

Talking to him in person helped me understand my acne a lot better. He was patient with my questions and gave me insights on how to improve my diet that I probably won’t find from his website. Meeting Ray for the first time felt like a boost of motivation for me to do what I have to do to clear my acne.

It’s nice to finally talk to somebody who completely understands what I¡¯m going through and knows how to help me.

– Jenny, from El Monte, Califonia

Thanks for the one-on-one personal consultation today. It was really helpful, especially the fact that you used your years of experience to help a fellow sufferer seeking desperately for clear skin. I am very fortunate to live very near you, making personal meetings possible. Your regime makes sense and would probably not only alleviate my acne, but also my overall health.

-M C, Rowland Heights CA

I usually tell them, “I’m living proof of whether this works or not.” But for some of them, that’s not enough. So over the last few months I’ve gathered some of the messages, emails, testimonials, and thank you’s that people have sent to me from my site.

By the way, there’s no way I would take the time to make all these up, some of them are way too detailed and way too funny!

– Thomas

Hi Ray,
I’ve always had acne but recently within the past 4 months, my breakouts have been constant and much much worse. I enjoyed probably a good year of acne-free after me and my ex broke up. I drank, partied, I don’t smoke btw, and was living a pretty good life until recently. I’ve been stressing – quit my job, having financial issues – and to top it off, I have to deal with these pimples sprouting out constantly. I haven’t gone out for 2 months already, basically hiding in my room and feeling like I shouldn’t even be here :(.

and followed his regimen with vitamins and foods to avoid, and I still didn’t have no real results. If you don’t mind, could you take a look and see if you agree with what he says and the vitamins he prescribes?

Anyways, I felt hopeless and depressed…and one day I stumbled upon your YOUTUBE video and upon further delving, i went to your site and read a good amount of what you preach and i find myself renewed with hope. If you can bro, please help me through this :(. please tell me the 5 things you consider the most important in terms of what vitamins to get and what to buy…but the thing is, i saw your pictures depicting all the vitamins and supplements you bought and i can’t take them all…i live with my parents and if they saw i had that much vitamins they’ll think i’m crazy even though i totally understand that it works for you. Please Ray, if you can help cure my acne I will owe you for life and I’m not just saying that, I will remember it forever.

– Quincy

Dear Ray,

I want you to know that someone else appreciates what you are doing too. I would have never made the initiative to try this approach to clear my acne if it wasn’t for you and your site. I remember reading the “You Plagiarized” article and wondering how the author of those hate messages could have bashed you for taking information from good sources and freely providing it to those in need. When I first found this site I couldn’t believe it, I thought it was a gimmick. I thought it was one of those websites that has testimonials all over the place and tells you about “5 easy steps” and then asks for your credit card at the bottom. I just couldn’t get over the idea that Proactive costs money, laser treatments cost money, antibiotics cost money (all of which I have tried) and your information is free and is the only thing that actually works. It is obvious how much time you spend on this site, and I want you to know that I have read every single article and check it everyday. You have given me hope that I can clear my skin, and perhaps even more importantly, you have renewed a skeptics faith in the goodness of man; inspiring me to be as selfless with my knowledge as you are with yours.

– Alex

Dear Ray,

All of your readers appreciate what you are doing Ray, including myself. I’m going to keep it short and sweet…but from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for the time and effort you’re putting in to this website and everything. Without your knowledge and guidance, a lot of us would be back to square 1…

School and family come first, and we realize that. Keep doing what you can, cause it means the world! Keep up the awesome work, Ray 🙂

– J.T., Canada

Hi Ray
I would like to thank you for doing the blogs and research about acne, Acne is probably one of the worst things in my life. I suffered from acne for about 5 years and it really messed up my life, I tried pretty much all creams…treatments(proactive,dans regimen.ect)…….went to doctors but still fail. In my opinion 99% of treatments are crap and doctors know nothing about acne or they just want us to fail so we can come back for more. I have read every single blog from 2006 to 2010 in ur site and……… now I am acne free AND healthy overall THX SOO MUCH. one more thing i really discovered thats good for health and acne is eating 6-8 small meals a day. I know you probably mentioned it before but i think people might forget it because its not talked about alot in your site.


– Tim

Hii Ray,
A big thanks to you man,your regimen really works.
im a 23 yr old girl suffering from acne since 3 yrs,tried isoretinoin,adaferin and a lot of antibiotics,but nothing really worked,then i came across your blog and tried your regimen.
Now almost all my acne is gone and new lesions are very very less.i never believed food can make this difference on skin
Thank you once again,God bless you

– Helen

Hey Ray,

OMG, I have to say thank you for doing what you do and doing it so well. I have tried everything out in the market from Proactive, acupuncture, to three rounds of accutane. I have to say your website is the most effective yet on my skin. has nothing on you! Seriously, when you think about it, your methods and alternative solution in clearing acne is not for only temporary relief but I am sure when I continue on this regimen that I will have better control in my skin.

Since I am Filipino, we consume a great amount of white rice. Although I miss that shit so much I think I made the right decision. Ever since I came across your website and read about all your tips and advice I decided I was going to discipline myself in order to see changes in my diet and lifestyle. So far, only a little over a week on this regimen my skin is clearing.

What’s really making my skin clear is the AZTEC HEALING MASK. OMG I love that shit. Sorry for my language but I know you do not talk about the mask on your website but I think you should. That stuff is a miracle. Not only does it remove all of the dirt and impurities on the skin it does amazing things to it. You should do a video on it and actually do a tutorial. I think this product is a great compliment with your regimen.

Thank you so much Ray!!!!! You are my savior. It has only been a little over a week and I am seeing results like crazy every single day. I have to meet you one and tell you how much you have impacted my life so dramatically. I am so stoked in continuing this regimen and the success I will have with it in the next several weeks and years to come. I know I sound crazy right now but someone who has suffered from acne and trial and error in finding a solution is hard. This time I think I am going to defeat my acne and take in control in my skin. Thank you so much!!!!

BTW, is it beneficial if I do a colon cleanse with your regimen?

Thanks Ray, oh and just in case I forget, you are one hot Asian. LOL OMG your so cute.. lol

– Richard


First let me say I think what you are doing is truly great for all acne sufferers who are still in the dark about the real causes. I have had cystic acne (only on the back of my neck) for about 10 years (I’m 23 now). Admittedly, I have not followed your program tit for tat but I have done a lot to a diet that had loved refined flower and sugars. I can say it has been two weeks and the only thing I have drank has been water and lots of it. In addition I have cut out all sweets, white bread, white pasta, fruit juices etc. I eat only salads, some eggs (I try only the eggwhites), meat (mostly chicken), fish, nuts, fruits, and yogurt. The yogurt has a commercial probiotic brand but I am a little concerned about the sugar in it. Also I really have limited my fruits because I know there are a lot of natural sugars in them as well. I also am concerned about the dressing on my salads because I know that can be full of sugar also. Now for the results…. in 14 days I have seen considerable improvement. The cysts have gone down and the inflamation has really subsided. It is an incredible feeling and I owe the thanks mostly to you. I have however seen a couple new (but smaller) cysts emerging. It is different as it is not really red and inflamed. I am curious if I will see more improvement as time goes on by continuing this diet. Or is the only real way to completley erradicate the cysts from coming back to add things like kefir, vitamins, and minerals. I am very interested in what you have to say and I know it is still early to tell if my new diet has fully taken its effect yet. I really look forward to hearing from you. Thanks again Ray,

– Josh

Hi Ray,

I have pictures ready for you! I am like 95% clear!!! It’s been an amazing 3 months. The is the clearest i have ever been since i started getting acne 5 years ago. The closest i got was 3 years ago when i was on Benzoyl peroxide (DON’T DO IT GUYS DON’T DO IT) and i was about 80% clear (with lot’s of side effects).

After that i had used tea tree oil which made me 60% clear.

Now i don’t use anything. ANYTHING. I don’t even use moisturizer or a cleanser or exfoliator. I let my skin take care of itself.

I ate a whole BANQUET of fried potato chips and wedges and lollies yesterday and my body is so well adapted now that i didn’t break out 1 bit. (This is just a one off thing guys spent 3 months of hardcore vegetables, kefir and supplements to achieve this).

I celebrated yesterday with a brand new spanking haircut.


hit me up with your email Ray and i’ll send you the photos.


– Liam

How’s It going Ray,
I was just curious one day on youtube and wanted to watch videos about acne. I typed in proactive doesnt work I think and your video popped up first about how it didn’t work for you. To be honest I got kind of scared how you warned the viewers it doesnt work for all people because I just got done ordering it and should be in the mail by tomorrow just praying it works for me. I am also following your tips too 🙂 you’re such a cool guy for helping people like this, I’ll keep you updated with my acne problem okay 🙂 have a nice day!

– John, Youtube

Thanku so much Ray for all this information. Im 22 years old and i have been suffering and still suffering from acne. Believe me ive tried everything from antibiotics to proactive and nothing! I just started reading your blog today and it makes total sense. Im going to start cleansing my body using your tips as soon as possible.
I just wanted to take the time to appreciate all your doing.. Thank you so much and please dont get discouraged.. you have no idea how many lives your helping out their. Thanks again

– Frank

Hey Mr. Ray Ray!! You look amazing and handsome btw. I have a couple questions for you….yes, diet does have something to do with acne for all those who want to say it doesn’t. Anyway, I can’t seem to get on your blog. Could you please let me know what exactly you eat/ stay away from?? are you completely a raw vegan? or do you allow yourself any carbs at all? etc! THANK YOU VERY MUCH for saving the world from acne, one face at a time 🙂

– -elizabethtrojak,

Hi Ray
I would like to thank you for doing the blogs and research about acne, Acne is probably one of the worst things in my life. I suffered from acne for about 5 years and it really messed up my life, I tried pretty much all creams…treatments(proactive,
dans regimen.ect)…….went to doctors but still fail. In my opinion 99% of treatments are crap and doctors know nothing about acne or they just want us to fail so we can come back for more. I have read every single blog from 2006 to 2010 in ur site and……… now I am acne free AND healthy overall THX SOO MUCH. one more thing i really discovered thats good for health and acne is eating 6-8 small meals a day. I know you probably mentioned it before but i think people might forget it because its not talked about alot in your site.


– Tim

Hi Ray: I love So Delicious (and it really is!) coconut milk kefir! Since I stopped consuming dairy, my skin started clearing up. When I gave up soy, it cleared up more, and when I started drinking this coconut milk kefir, well, let me just say, I can’t believe the results.

– Anonymous

Hi Ray,

Just to that other reader who was talking about whether to trust Ray or not.

I started following Ray’s regime 2 weeks ago, i saw his youtube video about why eating rice was bad for you. I went onto this site and i never looked back. I’ve tried Dan’s regime before, it did clear my acne to about 85% point (but never any better) my skin was thin and weak and after 2 weeks my skin would breakout to a horrid state. Also the skin on my neck was permanently dry and rashy. I really regret taking benzoyl peroxide. I never got severe acne before and i think it’s because of BP that i have severe acne on my neck now.

– Liam

Hey Ray,
I’ve been an acne sufferer for the past 12 years. Recently my skin got to a point where it just could not get any worse. And I’ve pretty much tried everything that’s out there including accutane, BP….blah blah …you know how the story goes.

I came across your website a couple of months ago and been hooked to it ever since. It felt like, ‘Thank God!!! Finally!! Someone knows what he’s talking about!?and I started to implement most of the things given on the regimen and guess what? My skin has significantly cleared up. I feel like?.Wow!!! I feel so relieved!! I still have a long way to go but for the first time in four and a half years I have come close to being totally clear without the help of oral medications.

I can’t thank you enough!! Thank you for your time and effort and for doing this for free!!! (How amazing is that!!) Please keep up the good work and I am soooo looking forward to all your future write-ups.

Anything I can do to help! I know you’re a busy person 🙂

But other than that, I just wanted to say how amazing I think you are for taking your time to help others. Not many people in my family even know what I’m going through so looking online is kind of the only source I have since dermatologists, doctors and everything else has failed me.

When I found your channel I was dumbfounded someone actually was giving this much knowledge that actually WORKED. I’ve followed your plans and I thank you.

– stfustupidfatty

I’m the guy that wrote earlier about following the regimen strictly but still having more breakouts. Well i am writing back and saying that i think i found the cause. I took out cow kefir and coconut oil and have no major breakouts as of now. I might get a few small pimples but just occasionally. I’m sure those will die down also.

I am still taking vitamin A, Vitamin E & Selenium, Zinc, EFAs & lecithin, Probiotics(acidophlious), Magnesium & Calcium. I took out Vitamin B and C as i have not noticed any major difference taking it.

So how my day is like is: First thing in the morning i take probiotics with fiber supplement. Than 15-30mins later i eat an apple and a averaged sized bowl of oat meal(whole rolled oats)with flax seed and lecithin. Here i would take multivitamin. Than in between breakfast and lunch i take EFAs with vitamin E and Vitamin A. I take that also 30mins before dinner and several hours after dinner. I know i should be taking it with kefir and coconut oil for better absorption but i might be allergic. So for lunch i eat a large salad with olive oil, steamed chicken breast and some other steamed vegetables. For snack i would have an apple, orange and occasionally walnuts. Dinner i would have brown rice, steamed chicken breast, fish, pork or beef. And some vegetables. I consume about 8 glasses of water a day , which i take an hour before or after meals because i heard it affects digestion. I might occasionally take digestive enzymes also.

Externally i wash with a mild cleaner 2 times a day. I exfoliate with baking soda paste few times a week.

As of now i think everything seems alright, i might just have freaked out at that moment. I find if i get too caught up worrying about breakouts and focusing all my attention on it it makes it worse, which was probably the case. Right now i will wait till the red marks heal than prepare for some liver flushing and cleansing, as i heard that is the most important step.

Thank you so much!!

– Jerry

Hi Ray!

Thanks again for the awesome response. My Wednesdays are my favourite days now thanks to RQFRR.

But anyway with Dan’s regimen. It was horrid. I used it for 1 year and i’ve definitely suffered permanent damage from it. My cysts on my neck are finally starting to disappear. My forehead used to be my biggest problems with huge pimples on it. They are no gone BUT having said that, from all teh BP i’ve used on it i’ve got tiny wrinkles on it. I’m 19, but my forehead looks like it’s from a 25 year old.

I’ve always believed those sites that tell you that nutrition has nothing to do with your acne. Bullshit. Anyone on any pro-activ or BP stop it straight away. It’s doing permanant damage and when you don’t use it anymore BAM it all comes back worse than before.

Since i’ve started following Ray’s advice. My life has changed completely for the better. I saw my friend yesterday who i havn’t seen for a month and the first thing she told me was how much my skin improved. Also my hair WOW my hair is smooth, strong and silky.

– Liam

For many years, I’ve been searching for an acne coach, and my dream has finally come true…

Ray is the best and greatest acne coach for anyone who suffers from acne, and wants to be cured.
Thanks so much Ray for the wonderful sessions we’ve had so far! You’re a life saver!

Ray will work closely with you, through personal sessions, to customize the proper diet, necessary for your body to heal your acne. He will answer all your questions carefully, to insure you take the proper foods, for every meal, and vitamins as well.

He can help you figure out exactly what foods you can eat, for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.
He is patient, understanding, caring, friendly, and very knowledgeable!

Ray will give you as much time as you need, through sessions and email.

If you want to cure your acne, Ray is the guy to contact!!!

– S.S., New Jersey


Hi Ray,
You and your site are awesome! This is like the best site about acne ever. I mean, there’s so much information I’ve never even read anywhere else. And believe me, I’ve read a lot of information about acne… Anyway I’m gonna follow these tips starting this very moment. By the way I did happen to have a good laugh here and there, so thanks for that too. Uhm… yeah I guess that’s what I wanted to say.

Keep up the good work!
– AM, from Holland

Hello! 🙂

I wanted to make this video because I want to show you guys that you can get clear skin. I suffered from acne for about 4 years and Im about 90% clear now by following tips from somebody I found over youtube his name is Ray he has helped me SSSOOO much. He makes video’s of him telling you what you should do if you have acne and what you should not do when you have acne.

And the best thing about it is that it’s free! Now you may be wondering why I am made this video well since I read his website (Yes he made a website just for us with allot of details!!!) it has helped me allot so I wanted to do something in return. Because I feel like he should be getting more people to follow him then there already is.

Hello Ray,

it’s Joe here, you sent me a reply back a little while ago (Thanks). I’ve actually been meaning to write to you sooner, but I kept putting it off, because I didn’t quite know what to say & I figured you’re very busy. Well, I hope you have the time to read this at least.
Rather than start asking you stupid questions, I’ve been checking out your blog these past few days. It’s been making a lot of sense to me. Good stuff.

I haven’t got a lot to say of any real significant importance, but you might already know that your blog isn’t working, & I don’t mean because of firefox, it was working fine for me up until now, but your blog just isn’t working for me at all now. Is this just me,or is that the case for everyone? I haven’t seen anything written yet, regarding the problem I’m having. When I try to vist your blog, it just reads – ‘The blog you was looking for was not found’

I was reading your step-by-step guide to clear acne, but then had this problem before I could continue.
As for what I’ve been doing, I’m actually consuming a list of foods for a period of 4 weeks prior to a food intolerance test. I think this is a good start for me, before I seriously start making any firm commitment to your reajeam, as outlined in your fantastic blog!

I thought it would be wise for me to… wise up, lol, before I started asking you thing’s that you already have written elsewhere. I most likely don’t know anything you wouldn’t already know yourself, about treating acne &/or it’s cause.

Carbs definitely seem to play a role in my acne, though. I suspect candida as a possibility. Either that or it’s just down to the starch spiking my blood sugar levels, & then in turn, elevated insulin followed by acne.
What I’m afraid of, is having to cut out so much food, that I’m unable to hold onto the little weight that I already have. I too have a very fast metabolism, such as yourself. But that’s the last of my worries. That, & becoming very hungry to having very little energy. But it’s early days yet, healthy eating should provide me with the energy I need. I was also disappointed to read about fruit & it’s connection to acne, seeing as it’s still sugar, if in natural form. The R.D.A (Recommended Daily Allowance) is 90 grams of sugar. This might be a stupid question, as your blog isn’t working for me no more, but, how much sugar are you consuming daily?
I think the idea you mentioned, was to first have the body back in balance, before reintroducing certain foods back into ones diet. I would like to stick to the guidelines of the R.D.A once I’ve cleared my acne, if that is possible for me. And that means me being as healthy as I possibly can be.

I’ve already come such a long way – I have the willpower to say ”No” to any food. The hardest thing for me, is to be able to say ”Yes” to any particular types of foods.
I think I’ve suffered acne for (counts in my head) 13~15 years now. Just thinking the same thing as you – I’ll eventually grow out of it.

I’ll do what I’ve gotta do, & I’ll let you know my progress along the way. If you like,that is?
In the meantime, I would really love to continue reading your blog, for that be a huge help to me, for when I get around to following your steps.
I watch your youtube video’s, also. It’s really great watching you, & I also like your witty humour 😛

Keep up the fantastic work, Ray. Good Luck to ya. I’m routing for you!

– Joel. 🙂

hey ray,

i found your website by default and i am very grateful that i did! i purchased leo keisen’s book recently and about 2 weeks after i started his program i found your site. i would just like you to know that i really appreciate that you came up with a website that is so informative and shows the great results of the program!! (i was semi-freaking out that there were no pictures of people after doing the program). fortunately, i have only been suffering from stubborn acne for about 6 months, but i am SOO grateful for people like you that tell it like it is:all the dermatologist crap DOES NOT WORK!!! i always knew this was the case, but i hadn’t found anything that proved it. so thanks to people like you that pursued the long and hard journey to cure acne, you finally proved it for me!! sorry if i’m kinda going too long on this, but i just want you to know that all of your hard work is really appreciated. especially for doing it all for free it shows really amazing character. good luck with everything and i hope you get everything up on your new site like before!

ps. when i looked up your site it just said return to blogger, not the forbidden 404 message. i’m sure you contacted the blogger company, but if not maybe that’s what happened? not too computer savvy.

again, thanks for everything and wish you the best!

– Melanie

Thank u so much Ray for all this information. You have absolutely no idea how greatfull i am to know what i know now for my acne. I have been suffering from acne and still suffering for a long time now but after visiting your site today…am optimistic..I JUST WANT TO SAY A BIG THANKYOU..


Hi Ray

congratz, did u all of sudden get a real manly face around 09 it looks great 🙂


hi im jordan if you dont know i comment onya vids sometimes, anyway i was just wondering if you could take a moment of time to give me some advice.
ok so iv done what you say, maybe not exact, but its worked! i eat healthy all the time no junk and i dont have any acne really just a spot here n there now n again which i can live with.
but what i still have got very bad which iv had for a while now is bad red marks, theyre horrible n depressing n quite alot ova ma face if its a clear sunny day i avoid looking at ppl because it shows up, its annoying because i look in some mirrors n ma face looks clear but then in other mirrors its horrible because its the open n clear day n thers marks everywhere.
what do you think i should do, iv got emu oil to help it but not sure if it makes me break out,, honey is great but not sure if its good enough,, iv tried lemon n apple cider vinegar but not sure how good they are so havnt used it consistently.
what should i do i have a holiday in 14 weeks, i no i cant clear them soon itl take time but i dont mind i just want them to fade enough so i can look people in the face without worrying that theyre noticing.

-JD, April 20, 2010

It’s working for me ray!!! Okay so I promised to send u updates from last messages on my face, my face is getting soooooo smooooooth now!!!! I had a horrible case of acne to the point where when I washed my face it sometimes bleed. now most of its turned into dark blemish marks and I have smooth skin now. first week on proactiv. A few pimples came out of nowhere a couple mornings but they were really small and now those are fading away also. I’m still followin your tips u had on your old website(sorry that its gone…) like getting to bed not super late like I used to and having atleast 8 hours of sleep and Im no longer eating pizza and all that type of fast food crap. and i liked that how to properly pop a zit video. never knew that was the way to do it…lol. thanks so much man, this world needs more people like you. Seriously, be easy Ray. =)

-J.C.P., april 19, 2010

Thanks so much Ray for sharing your personal journey and insights with all of us who have struggled with this or know someone close who is in pain. I really appreciate your perspective on the positive life changing aspects of what you have been through.

K.P., Feb, 9, 2010

i started seeing results after about 3 weeks and i got confident and started eating a lot of whole grain bread for like 2 weeks with every meal and 2 days later i break out bad like little red bumps all over my forehead and upper cheek area.
is it possible that the whole grain bread i was eating could have caused my breakout?
or could have it been something else…?

thanks a lot man…..!! =D
i been trying to defeat my acne since i was a sophomore in high school thank god i found this website!!
its awesome what your doing for us acne suffers THANK YOU really i mean it….!!!


Hi Ray!!

I really like this post!! It’s inspiring and is motivating me to throw away the big bag full of Munchies I just bought today! I’ve been doing good the past few weeks until I finally broke my healthy cycle and indulged in junky foods. =( It’s like my body was going through withdrawal symptoms of sweets and craved for an instant fix! Big mistake! Thanks for posting this because it’s exactly how I feel about self-control. I like your comparative thinking! =)

PS. I’d love to watch you eat a box of krispy kreme donuts within an hour =D

– Jennifer

Hi Ray, love the site. This site is so precise and is packed with helpful information. I have also suffered from acne for a long time and will not quit, until my skin is smooth. If you could keep me posted with updates I really appreciate it. Also once you started to become extremely knowledgeable about the ins and outs of acne when did you really notice results.

– Kelvin

thank you, ever since i started reading your articles and following your regimen. i no longer have acne on my cheeks,with the occasional pimple here and there, my scars are slowing fading away and finally i have confidence to ask a fine ass girl out lol!!Really has changed my life!! Your really a god send! keep it up,maybe one day you’ll have a show like Dr.Oz rofl.Thks for everything!


In a previous mail you mentioned that you were working on some fitness stuff, which I’m very excited about. Please let me know when you release something fitness-related 🙂

Actually I have a queation in terms of work-out. As I’ve also read in the “Answers-Book” you get when purchasing the program it is common to loose weight during the Acne-Free-Diet.

I’m a skinny person and I’ve lost about 11 pounds, so now I’m only weighing 122 pounds (55 kg) which is not enough for my height (5’9″ or 175 cm).

The most ideal reaction to this would be to go out and work-out and build up some muscles, and I’ve been doing that lately but I think it messes up my hormones a bit because I seem to break-out whenever I’ve been giving it some extra power in the gym… So my question is:

Should I work out even though I perhaps get a little pimple or would you suggest me to wait until I’m fully acne-free so my hormones are stabilized? What did you do when you first started?

Again, thanks a lot for taking your time both reading and answering my questions. It means a lot! 🙂

Best regards

– Omar E.

Hey Ray

Thank you for describing the “procedure” – that was just the answer I looked for.

And I would love to give some well-deserved positive feedback.

Okay I have two very minor complaint/wishes. The first is just a technical thing. The last three minutes of vol. 6 have no sound unfortunately. Luckily, it is just those 3 minutes and I would guess it really does not make that big of a difference, because of the fact that it is in the end and therefore kind of a summarization. But just FYI.

And the second which is a kind of wish, and I do not know if you are allowed to do so because of sponsors or anything, but as a client and viewer of this program I would really have loved some links or simply just brand recommendations to the mentioned supplements and such stuff. That would have been a great little extra bonus 🙂

I have watched the first 6 volumes of the program and therefore my feedback is of course based on that 🙂 I still have the outer skin care section and methods of clear skin left to watch.

So the program… how good is it?

Dude, IT IS THE BEST! And I sincerely mean it! Everybody (also people without acne) should watch this. It should be a “life rule”!

First of the structure is just perfect: you talking about your own experience, then the causes of acne, then what not to do and what to do. Just perfect 🙂

It looks very professional while at the same time you present yourself in a relaxed way – it is cozy and nice to watch the videos because of the atmosphere you have created.

And oh boy.. the knowledge. It is just tremendous how much wisdom and knowledge you get as a client from watching the videos and reading the e-book and diagrams provided within the program itself. Just the fact that you are the first person I see go so much in detail about this make this so motivating. And believe me… I have read a lot myself all over the internet and in school for that matter, but you have all the knowledge and experience everyone else out there talking about acne is missing. I cannot complain about the program in any way. Seriously, I cannot.

(Also, there are more than 8 hours of material – that is just…. crazy in the most positive way. I love it! 🙂 It also shows that this is real stuff and true words).

So as a conclusion to my thoughts listed above I just want to say: please do not ever stop this, it is the knowledge every individual needs.

Talk to you in a future e-mail 🙂

Best regards

– Neal Y.

Wow. That is a long time Ray. That must have sucked. I know I would have not the will power to continue things and be socially open to everyone. I found your website in the beginning of 2010. I had acne all over my face for about 6 months. Those six months were the longest months in my life.

I felt like I was cursed with horrible skin. I tried my mom’s natural acne topical cream. She got it from a health vitamin store. I tried it and it made my acne worse. I used to put honey on my face all the time to lower the redness.

I always had these homemade mixtures that I would put on my skin like oatmeal and lemon.

I would sit on my bed and hope it would clean my face. Then I realized that topicals were not working so I stumbled across your website. I saw your before and after pictures and I knew I came across something special. I found your youtube channel and saw all of your videos.

I learned so much from your website that now I am interested in nutrition. I would like to privately message you for more info on nutrition because I strongly believe a healthy diet can work wonders that modern medicine misses out. I know your knowledge would greatly influence a young striving enthusiast about nutrition.

I know your website can change lives and that is why I fully believe in it.

Thanks for everything Ray.

– Chris O.

Hi Ray,

First off, I’d like to thank you for creating an amazing website that’s filled with honest and insightful knowledge on acne; demystifying, demonstrating, deconstructing the bullshit that lots of people are fed by industries responsible for creating “acne-cures”.

I’m sure that when people read your website’s posts, they feel that you’re talking TO them and not at them, and I’m sure you know that it makes a huge difference. 🙂 Those insights of yours had further driven that 17 year old kid’s conviction and resolve in battling acne then, about 9 months ago.

Now, i still get a little bit of acne from time to time from stress but all in all, it’s been a HUGE difference.

That aside, i have a question for you if it’s not too much trouble, it’s not exactly related to acne but it is related to the skin. I guess, it’s to do with skin complexions – so, i used to have lighter skin but after a year of getting under the sun daily without sunscreen or what not… yeah, it’s not as light as before.

I was wondering, since most of the battle against acne vulgaris is through caring for yourself, internally (diet and sleep) and lesser so externally (those skin products and creams are far from miracle cures), could it be the same for lightening one’s skin complexion?

Ah, uhm i’ve read some and they’re mostly repetitive advice about exfoliating and applying sunscreen… it’s been awhile but my skin has not seemed to get any lighter as it was before.

So i was wondering, have i missed something out and more importantly, does nutrition play a big part in this anyhow? Yeah, uhm it’s kind of off-topic but I was hoping that you could share some insights.

Thank you for your time!

– Cherie

Hi Ray,

Alright, thanks! By the way, I didn’t say this before, but thanks for doing what you’re doing. I’ve already started incorporating the Acne Free Diet into my life and already have some progress with my skin. 🙂

– Karissa A.

Hi ray,

I have finished watching your program and have followed the diet fairly close the last month.

now i have almost no new pimples, However, i still have a fairly large amount of acne scars.

some of them more than just discolorations,, but depressions.

you mentioned there are natural ways to clear acne scars, can you explain them further and help me with my problem?


– Peter S.

Hi Dr. Ray,

I just wanted to tell you that my skin is clearing up and I am so happy!!  Thank you!

I am 2 days away from day 10 on your Acne Coach Diet and I am loving it! I am planning to make this diet my lifestyle and only cheat on weekends.

Thank you so much Ray!

You saved my life!

And I am so happy that I found your website!

Many thanks!

– Shoug K

Hi Ray:

My name is Doris.

I am Asian & for the last 20 somewhat years I thought I was eating healthy. I was known for being the skinny and nice skin gal at school…but my acnes started after I had my kids, which was about 8/9 years ago.

I am very thankful to have discovered your website!!! I have tried everything and can sooo related to what you had experienced. I spent so much money tried to cure my face.

I thank you for your dedication to helping others…God bless you for what you do!!!

I have been on and off following your regimen for about a month, when I was good, I felt my acnes were disappearing but when I had the wrong foods then acnes appear the very next day or two.

The main reason is I’m still not sure what I should or shouldn’t eat yet to some degree because I have cut carbs completely for a week (before then I was still having whole wheat bread when I was very hungry even after eating my meals); and I stop sweets for a month now, occasionally a fiber bar that contain more fiber than sugar (not sure if that’s affecting me as well).

But I’m committed to cut out carbs & sweets completely & follow the regimen until my body is back to normal. I have watched all your videos on my acne coach, I have learned so much and have shared your website with a few friends.

– Doris C.

To Ray,

Anyway, to my point. I followed the habits outlined in the book and saw awesome results.

Most of my acne is cleared and I don’t even really need to do much, but because I recognize how much time and effort you put into your new program, and because I really just enjoy learning about health and nutrition, I bought your new product that has all of the videos you made.

I hope this will help clear up some gaps I have about acne and nutrition and hopefully “finish the job” and get my face back to almost 100% clear, along with fading some scarring…

I’m also making a video blog to track my progress with HTCYA. Because most of my acne has gone away I’m doing this mostly just to document the effects it has on acne scars and overall complexion, and to see if it can finally clear up the last remaining acne that I have, along with the red spots.

I already can tell it’s going to be awesome!

By the way, I really admire everything that you’re doing.

All of the effort you’ve put into this. You’re a true entrepreneur and deserve great things. The fact that you’re doing this while obtaining a masters degree is extraordinary. I’m having trouble just keeping up with school getting my undergrad in nutrition and exercise science.

But hey, if this gets me completely acne free I’m seriously going to write you out a well-worthy check.

Hit me back,

– Louis I.

My Acne Coach Review

There were two weeks left of summer then I would be headed off to college for my sophomore year. I had been trying a new acne product since the beginning of the summer and was hopeful that it would clear up my acne by school but it failed, just like every other product I have tried. I laid in my bed that night looking up acne products and stories of how people dealt with depression from acne.

This was when I stumbled across one of Ray’s youtube videos telling his story with acne.

I am usually very skeptical of a product at first, but everything Ray talked about in his video about missing out on high school and college because of being self-conscious of his acne was exactly how I felt.

I could tell Ray was sincere about wanting to help clear peoples acne because he truly understood how much it sucks to always be thinking of your face. I ordered the program right away and absorbed all the information I could from his 14 hour My Acne Coach volume.

Within three days of changing my diet and learning from Ray how nutrition affects your acne I saw results.

It was amazing how beneficial eating the right way was. I had hope again of getting rid of my acne, but I did not stop there. Ray offered a 30 day free emailing consultation that was one of the greatest perks to My Acne Coach. I could ask Ray all the questions about foods, vitamins, and pretty much anything that came to mind and he would answer.

I am about three weeks into the program and my acne has become significantly better.

I have 100% faith that this program will keep my acne away for good so I can enjoy life without staring in the mirror every second of the day.

– Thomas C.

Hello Ray!

Well I always had a guy feeling about how acne and food are very closely related, but never knew how to confront it. I had found this program by just typing in how to clear your acne and viola I found your website.

I started reading some articles you posted on how you’ve been fighting acne through a lot of your teenage years and some adult. I could really relate to some of the problems you faced. I had first bought your book 10 Secrets Every Acne Sufferer Must Know and once I finished reading the book I realized how much more knowledge you have on the subject than just 10 secrets. I had bought the whole My Acne Coach Program after.

Watching all the videos gave me the knowledge to fight my acne and control it once and for all.

I’m only 2 and half weeks into the program and my skin is greatly improving!

I love how the regimen doesn’t have to be followed to the letter, but how it gives you the idea of what you can and can’t do! Buying this program was probably the best decision I’ve made when it comes to fighting acne.

If anyone reads this I highly recommend you to buy it because it gives you knowledge to get rid of acne and keep it off!

Starting the regimen may be a little hard for some people, but everything takes time. So Ray once again thank you for everything that you’ve with the videos all the way to the e-mail clearing your acne with this regimen isn’t the fastest but it is the best!

– Francisco R.

No More Breakouts

Clear your acne naturally through diet

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