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Clear Skin Coaching

1-on-1 Consultation with an Acne Expert

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During our acne consultation together, we will talk in depth about you! I generally like to begin with an explanation of the foundations of acne so my clients have the basic knowledge they can carry with them forever. Then we can identify your individual balances, imbalances or any questions about your acne and skin that you might have.

If time permits, together we will go into detail about your daily schedule, nutrition, digestion, exercise, stress levels, work life, emotions, etc., I do an analysis of your entire life to see what might be throwing your body off balance. Based on my analysis, I’ll make recommendations based what you need to do to start clearing your skin immediately.


If you’re hesitant to start the Acne Free Diet or aren’t seeing the results you hoped for, it may be due to a number of factors. If you’ve tried everything else such as ProActiv, Clearasil, visiting various dermatologists and still have not seen results, I can help you figure things out.

Or if you’re completely lost and just need a place to start, I can work with you to start you off in the right direction instead of trying the next product and the next product (been there, done that). The How To Clear Your Acne Plan offers personalized coaching and consulting services designed specifically to your needs. And if you sign up for the monthly consulting, we offer a FREE copy of the Does Food Cause Acne eBook.

Coaching Packages

Ray will set you up with a personalized acne clearing plan so that you know exactly what to do, tailored to your lifestyle.

30-Min Consultation

$69 / Call

Perfect for introductions or follow ups. Great for a few quick questions that you want answered to save you time.

2-Hour Consultation

$197 / Call

This package contains a short on-boarding questionnaire, followed by two 1-hour calls and UNLIMITED email support for 1 week.

1 Month Package

$695 / Month

For those who want direct access to Ray. Subscription to Ray’s advance online acne clearing program, two 1-hour consultations every week and unlimited emails.

Included in 1 Week Package

Phone Coaching

Feel free to call or talk to Ray when you have a question, if you don’t know what to do, or are confused about something.

FaceTime Coaching

Want to talk face to face but aren’t in the area?  We can hop on FaceTime, Skype, or Google Hangouts so Ray can give you one on one coaching time.

Email Coaching

Get a response within 24 hours if your question is longer.  Email Ray and his team of acne specialists to get the answers to clearing acne.


In the Los Angeles or Orange county area? Great, sign up for a coaching program and you can meet with Ray directly so he can show you ways to cure acne.

Custom Acne Plans

Ray will set you up with a personalized acne clearing plan so that you know exactly what to do, tailored to your lifestyle.

SMS / Text Support

In a place where you can’t call?  Only have a quick question?  Coaching packages allow you to text Ray and get an answer immediately.

What REAL Clients Have Said

True client testimonials of Ray’s Clear Skin Cleanse program

Ray was very helpful in teaching me the true cause of acne! He not only taught me how to get rid of my acne but also how to live a healthier lifestyle with many other health benefits that will help me for the rest of my life.

Real Client, Orange County

Ray really taught me that everything in the body is connected to each other and the only real answer to cure acne is a healthy diet and rebuilding your health from the ground up.

Real Client, Los Angeles

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By Someone Who Has Been There

Dear reader,

I’ve been told by a lot of my clients that the best part is that I not only have theoretical and practical knowledge, but that I’ve also “been through” an acne sufferer’s experience so I know exactly how you feel. And it really makes a difference.

By this point, you’ve probably suffered more than just from acne, but probably your self image and confidence has suffered also. I know you want to get this “issue” handled with soon and quickly. I’ve been in your shoes, and I’m glad you’ve made the choice to find someone you can “communicate” with and who “knows” what you’re talking about.

Looking forward to meeting you,

-Ray W.