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Acne Free Diet

See Results as Quickly as 10 Days

Former SEVERE Acne Sufferer

& Certified Alternative Nutritionist Will Show You


Stop Pimples and Breakouts

  • Stop Breakouts and NEW PIMPLES in Less Than 7 Days!
  • Make Blackheads, Oily Skin, and Red Blemishes DISAPPEAR on your face without using drugs, creams, antibiotics, or medications.
  • Get Rid of Acne Scars and Marks in 3 Weeks
  • Find Out What Dermatologists will NEVER tell you to cure your acne — You might have not known, but some skin doctors actually make $$$ from you when you buy things from their prescriptions and their recommendations!  I’ll tell you all about what’s really going on and how you can fight back…
  • 10 of the Most Important Secrets to Clear Skin — Have you tried everything?  You don’t know who to listen to?  I know, I’ve been there too.  Now I’ll teach you the that I learned to have even clearer skin than my friends.
  • I had Acne for 10+ Years  — All the Regimens designed and tested by me, a previous acne sufferer, who has been THERE and BACK!

Cure Acne Naturally with Diet

  • Works with Mild to SEVERE Acne — It doesn’t matter how bad your acne is, this has worked with hundreds of my clients, including myself, and it will work for you.  Or your money back (but more on that later 😉
  • Home Remedies to Get Rid Acne — You’ll learn all sorts of helpful ways to stop breakout out and get rid of acne without having to spend hundreds of dollars or buy those fancy expensive products that you see online or on TV.
  • 20 Acne Nutrients Menu To Accelerate Acne Healing — Stop getting new pimples every day with the 20 most important nutrients that every acne sufferer is missing from their bodies.  You’ll learn where to get them, how much to take, when to take them, and everything you need to know to stop acne.
  • Learn what foods help cure your acne — I’ll teach you all about the ACNE FREE DIET and what foods you should eat or avoid to stay clear.
  • Never having to buy another acne product again! — No more spending money on acne products.  I’ve been there and I know how much it costs.  I give you the best ways to save money in the long run so you become INDEPENDENT rather than dependent.

You Can Clear Too

  • Beginner acne lessons — We’ll start from the very beginning with pimples.  I’ll tell you about how to clear your acne safe and naturally, and how to minimize the most common acne sufferer mistakes.
  • No more spending hours in the bathroom — Never having to pop another pimple again.  If you’ve tried a lot of other things or use a lot of other things right now, you can prepare to toss all those out.  Have the acne free, clear skin you deserve like “normal” people and work SMART for it.
  • It doesn’t matter what your skin type — Don’t break out anymore even when you’re stressed or sweating.  Stop living in your head and Start living your life
  • Tips for men and women to stop pimples on your face, back, buttocks, or chest, regardless of whether your male or female.  I’ll show you the way to have a complexion that doesn’t require make up or cover up.
  • Advanced clear skin theory so you will know the most common mistakes other acne sufferers are making, why they’re happening, and how not to make the same mistakes.

FTC Legal Disclaimer: Results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are real, and all the guys pictured transformed their faces through using “Acne Free Diet” and Ray J. Wang’s system. However, these results are meant as a showcase of what the best, most motivated clients have done and should not be taken as average or typical results.

In addition, you assume certain risks inherent in exercise and nutrition programs by using this system. The Acne Free Diet involves eating healthy, vitamins, and alternative nutrition. You should not begin the program if you have a physical condition. In addition, The Acne Free Diet requires you to follow an eating plan and at times restrict the amount of calories you consume. You should not begin this eating plan if you have physical or psychological issues which make fat loss dangerous.

Ray is not a doctor, and his advice is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your physician before beginning any nutrition program. See our full FTC Legal Disclaimer for complete details.

The Acne Free Diet

What’s Included in the Program


10 Most Important Secrets of the Acne Free Diet — It’s taken me YEARS to put together this combination of 10 Acne Free Diet Secrets in a way that clears up your acne naturally. This way YOU don’t have to do anything but let your body do what it was designed to do, and heal itself. These 10 Acne Free Diet Secrets are designed to be easy to learn but VERY EFFECTIVE in balancing your skin oils and stopping breakouts. What’s special about the Acne Free Diet Secrets are that as long as you live, if you know these 10 secrets, you can keep pimples from ever coming back.

While other products focus on getting rid of the pimple itself, they deal with where these pimples are coming from or why they’re even here. The result is you covering up one pimple and then having another one show up. This can be extremely frustrating. Especially when you’ve spent all that time, energy, and money on buying an expensive product on one pimple only to have another one reappear in a different spot. What I’m really proud about with the Acne Free Diet is that we go to the source of the problem so that we can stop all pimples from happening again. This way you won’t have to pop anymore pimples, buy any expensive acne creams, or deal with another frustrating zit.

20 Acne Nutrients Menu To Accelerate Acne Healing — I’ve also included a menu of the 20 different essential nutrients that will rapidly increase your body’s repair of acne and scarring. What’s different about the Acne Free Diet is that we’re not specifically focusing on just acne itself. This is an entirely different way to approach acne that most people don’t even know about.

We focus on healing the entire body from the inside so that EVERYTHING is “acne free” and free from inflammation. What this means for you is, with my program, you’ll not only be clearing your acne and have a smoother complexion, you’ll also have healthier and stronger hair, nails, brighter eyes, more energy, get sick less often, and so many other health benefits!

This is because the Acne Free Diet isn’t like other acne products that just focus on the outside, we’re about teaching you how to REALLY care for your body so that you CAN get to a point and be like your friends growing up who never had acne and could do whatever they wanted (not that you would want to abuse your well-kept body by that point right? =). Many of my clients have told me that they started seeing results within the first couple of weeks after learning the Acne Free Diet’s | 20 Essential Acne “Nugredients.” That’s how effective they are.

Advanced Clear Complexion Theory —
You’re going to learn what a university graduate nutrition student normally pays upwards of $2,000 or more every few months about clear skin and being acne free, not just a bunch of rules to follow.  I’ve literally paid more than $10,000 to learn this information in my own life, suffering from acne for more than 10 years. Seriously, after you realize all the things you’re going to get, you’ll realize that I’m practically GIVING this away to you!

This way, I teach you the knowledge so that you can become your own coach in the future and customize the program to fit your own unique needs and outlook. Once you learn the theory, you’ll be way ahead of everyone else who is still buying acne products in that you’ll know the common mistakes that they’re making, why they’re making it, and how they’re happening.

Acne Free Snacks — If you love snacking and you’re always looking for something to munch on, then you’ll really appreciate this section. The Acne Free Diet will show you a list of Acne Free Snacks that you can eat throughout the day without worrying about breaking out. What this means for you is, with my program, you’ll be able to still enjoy the tasty bites without the acne breakouts.

This is a very popular section among my clients because if you’re always on the move or you are into working out and fitness, you’re always going to be looking for a little snack to eat throughout the day. And there’s nothing worse than not knowing what you’re putting into your body and possibly aggravating your acne. The Acne Free Diet shows you how to make sure that if you’re going to eat a snack, it’s an Acne Free Snack.

Acne Sufferer Timeline — In this program, I’m going to show you what was really going on with your body and when along the way you ended up breaking out. You’re also going to get to see what normally happens to other people’s bodies and how they are different. It’s interesting to see how our bodies differ and what happens to them while at the same time, what happens to you.

Haven’t you ever wondered why you’re breaking out and your friends aren’t?  Ever wondered what’s really going on with their skin?  Have you ever thought, “This isn’t fair?  How come THEY get clear skin and aren’t doing anything yet I’m working so hard but still getting pimples?”  This is something that I created that will really help you understand what is going on with your acne and when it happened so that you can better fight breakouts and pimples.

Top Mistakes Acne Sufferers Make — This is probably one of the most eye opening sections of the program because when you first see it, you’ll probably say, “I’ve tried that! … and that… and that!” A lot of my clients that I used to show this to were able to recognize a lot of the things that they have previously tried in this part of the program and that didn’t work for them. We’ll go through each and every one of the different kind of things that you might have tried that didn’t work.

I’ll explain why people think that this acne cause or treatment seemed like a good idea at the time and why it doesn’t work. This way, you make sure that you don’t make the same mistakes again. And next time you turn on the TV and watch any infomercial about acne, you’ll know exactly why it works, why it doesn’t work, and whether or not you should be getting it.  You’ll know all the ins and outs of how acne products work.  I’ll teach you how to become an expert with the Acne Free Diet, you’ll know better.

True & False Causes of Acne — We’ve all that those thoughts when going through acne. Is it because of lack of sleep? Is it because I’m eating too much chocolate? Is it because of the fried foods? Maybe it’s because I was just born this way? Some of the things have to do with your acne while other things are completely false. It’s always good to know what is really going on with your body, this way you won’t be fooled when someone else tries to tell you what to do! You’ll finally be able to figure out all the REAL causes of acne and why you’re breaking out.

This way you’ll be able to know where to concentrate your efforts, time, and money instead of tryins this way for two days… Oh, that didn’t work. And then trying that for a week… Oh, that didn’t work either. It’s a lot easier to cure your acne when you CLEARLY know the right path to take. And in the Acne Free Diet, I’ll be telling you all about that.


Popular Answers to Acne


5 Methods to Clear Skin

5 Methods of Guaranteeing Clear Skin — How can you make SURE that you do this program right?  How can you make sure that you won’t fall off the bandwagon?  This included BONUS is going to show you all about how you can increase the clearness of your skin using the 5 Methods to guarantee that you clear your skin.

A lot of other programs tell you what to do but they don’t tell you HOW to do it.  The other programs don’t go into specific details about when you run into problems or logistic problems.  This BONUS helps you out with that.

I talk about things that other programs don’t talk about, for example, you may need to build a routine or you may need guidance.  This part of the program will teach you all about how to build routines and where to find guidance.

Because I know that acne can affect more than just our skin, a lot of the times it can affect our self esteem too.  It’s easy to get side tracked in the program sometimes.  That’s why this Bonus has been included, it’s to teach you about how to make sure you follow the Acne Free Diet so that you carry through the program.   We also go through the 4 stages of learning, different levels of psychology and some interesting tricks that will come in handy when it comes to how acne affects your mind.

I’ll also be throwing in several built in routines that you can follow that already have much of the program laid out for you.  This way, you don’t have to do any of the thinking or planning, all you have to do is read the easy to follow daily routines that I have already laid out for you.  Routines for the morning, afternoon, and night.   It’s made to be easy for you.

When Will I Get It?

As I previously mentioned, How To Clear Your Acne is delivered through a series of high quality, online instructional videos and step-by-step articles reserved for members of the the Acne Free Diet Members Section. You’ll be given a username and password immediately after you order, and you’ll be able to login INSTANTLY to start the program.

All my videos can be either streamed or downloaded directly onto your computer. What this means for you is that you can watch the Acne Free Diet from anywhere in the world no matter where you are.

My program is designed to get you started TODAY. Once you sign up, you can start learning how to clear your acne in less than 5 minutes. This is because I know, as a former acne sufferer, that I’ve wasted enough of my life with acne, and how important it was for me to want to move on with my life and have clear skin.

At the same time, you’ll also be getting very in-depth and comprehensive knowledge about acne, nutrition, clearing techniques, and health. The core program includes close to 14 hours of professionally produced, high definition video footage featuring me and other nutritionists on my team.

How much will it cost me?

I normally sell the Acne Free Diet Regimen to my live training clients for $397. And they consider this a bargain, because it contains close to 14 hours of skin and health coaching from me personally. Since it would cost $826, because my personal consultation rate is $59 per hour, they’re getting the same information at a much better price than if they’d paid to learn it from me live.

Not only this, but it’s also a lot more convenient – since you can watch the acne clearing videos in the comfort of your own home, anytime or anywhere you want, and you don’t have to fit into my schedule.

So for $397, you get access to my complete system for getting naturally clear skin, and all the bonuses.


Although I’ve been practicing these methods and techniques for many years, I recently launched the internet side of my business.  And what the most important thing for me to do now is to establish a group of HIGHLY MOTIVATED clients who will achieve spectacular results. This is because I know that if you get clear skin with this program, you’ll tell EVERYONE about it.

This is how I want the Acne Free Diet to grow, through people who are really happy when they look in the mirror with their new skin and for them to want to share this people who need it.

That’s why, for a limited time, I’m offering you the “online-only” price of just $397 $197.

And after 30 days, you automatically get access to my coaching program where you can email me and ask any questions, at any time for just $59 $27 a month.

You can email and ask me anything and I will be your personal acne coach with anything that you need with the program!

Which is more than 88% off of what other people are paying outside of the internet, and really a steal for you compared to the actual value of the Acne Free Diet.

But wait, there is a catch.

In return for this amazingly low price, you have to promise to tell EVERYONE that you know about the Acne Free Diet once you clear your acne. This way you can get a great deal, and it’s fair to me as well, a win-win situation.

I recommend you to ACT NOW, and to sign up to get rid of acne and get the clear you’ve always wanted.

See Results – Or Don’t Pay a DIME!

I’m confident that the Acne Free Diet can help you stop pimples, breakouts and get the clear skin that you want. In fact, I’m so confident…that I back the program with two AMAZING guarantees:

Ray’s “Best Acne Program Of Your Life” Guarantee: Test drive the first the Acne Free Diet program at my risk. I guarantee that it’ll be the BEST, most NATURAL, most EFFECTIVE program you’ve ever done in your life. And if you don’t think so, I’ll immediately give you every penny back!

I know that this is the internet, and it can be hard to know who to trust. And I know that even though you really want to claim your spot and start with the Acne Free Diet…you also want to ensure that it’s risk-free for you, and that you’ll only pay for it if the program gets you clear skin.

And to double-sure you’re glad you made your purchase, I’ll also give you…

Ray’s 30 Day, UNCONDITIONAL Money-Back Guarantee: Try the entire the Acne Free Diet system out. Watch all the videos, do all the workouts, and email me as much as you like for coaching. If you don’t love it for any reason at all, I will give you a no-hassles, no questions asked refund anytime within 1 month of your purchase.

There’s a reason why I can give crazy satisfaction guarantees like this. Almost all my clients love the system once they get access to the workouts and eating system, and I know that you will to.

I know that you’ll look back on your decision to clear your skin you made today as one of the BEST decisions you’ve ever made. My life has improved in so many ways since I cured my acne and was able to move on, and I know that yours will too.

I know what it’s like to live behind a mask covered in zits and acne.  And it’s going to be totally worth when you clear your skin and you’re looking in the mirror at how nice your face looks.  To be honest, I can’t tell you how nice it is to think BACK about how my acne was just a memory.  And in just 7 days, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.

I know that you transform your skin if you set your mind to it. And I’ll be right there by your side the entire time… coaching you, mentoring you, and helping you to succeed.

Will it work for me?

First, unlike many other acne programs, the Acne Free Diet was designed with one very specific goal in mind. The Acne Free Diet is ideal for people who still have acne and are getting pimples – who have tried all the other acne products with no success, but don’t want to give up on getting clear and healthy skin. If you don’t have an pimple problem, though you will see improvement in your energy level, the shine of your hair, and the strength of your nails, you may not notice as dramatic of a difference as if you had a severe case of acne. But if you’re someone who is still battling zits and breakouts still, then this program is specifically designed to meet your needs.

And it’s because I had YOU specifically in mind when I designed the Acne Free Diet Program, you’ll find that it’s exactly what you need to finally get rid of acne naturally.

Secondly, I’m here with you every step of the way to ensure your success. If you run into an issue that the instructional videos don’t cover, please remember the FREE email coaching is included with the Acne Free Diet. I will personally walk you through any issues you’re facing. THAT is how committed I am to you.

Now, I’m legally obliged to let you know that I’m not a physician, and that I can’t guarantee your results with this program. That being said, remember, if you don’t finally stop acne with this program – or if you’re not happy with it – you don’t have to pay. I’m very confident that won’t happen and that you will beat acne, but just to show you how confident I am, I offer a 100% no questions asked money back guarantee, anytime within 30 days of your purchase. And I’m willing take a chance like this because I am so sure that this program is what you’re looking for.

What REAL Clients Have Said

About The Acne Free Diet

(Names have been changed or abbreviated to protect people’s identities)

“Now almost all my acne is gone and new lesions are much less…”

“Hii Ray, A big thanks to you man, your regimen really works.

I’m a 23 yr old girl suffering from acne for 3 yrs, tried isoretinoin, adaferin and a lot of antibiotics, but nothing really worked, then I came across your blog and tried your regimen.

Now almost all my acne is gone and new lesions are much less. I never believed food can make this difference on skin! Thank you once again, God bless you.”

– Helen, from N/A

“I suffered from acne for about 4 years and Im about 90% clear now…”

“Hello! I wanted to make this video because I want to show you guys that you can get clear skin.

I suffered from acne for about 4 years and Im about 90% clear now by following tips from somebody I found over youtube his name is Ray he has helped me SSSOOO much.

He makes video’s of him telling you what you should do if you have acne and what you should not do when you have acne. Now you may be wondering why I am made this video well since I read his website (Yes he made a website just for us with allot of details!!!) it has helped me a lot so I wanted to do something in return.

Because I feel like he should be getting more people to follow him then there already is.”

– Steven, from United States

“It’s working for me Ray!!! Okay, my face is getting soooooo smooooooth…”

I had a horrible case of acne to the point where when I washed my face it sometimes bleed. Now, most of its turned into dark blemish marks and I have smooth skin now. First week on Proactiv. A few pimples came out of nowhere a couple mornings but they were really small and now those are fading away also.

I’m still followin your tips u had on your old website (sorry that its gone…) like getting to bed not super late like I used to and having at least 8 hours of sleep and Im no longer eating pizza and all that type of fast food crap. And I liked that how to properly pop a zit video.  Never knew that was the way to do it…lol.

Thanks so much man, this world needs more people like you. Seriously, be easy Ray. =)”

– J.C.P., from Detroit, United States

“Seeing results after about 3 weeks…”

“I started seeing results after about 3 weeks and I got confident…

Thanks a lot man…..!! =D I been trying to defeat my acne since I was a sophomore in high school.  Thank god I found this website!!

It’s awesome what your doing for us acne suffers.

THANK YOU! I really mean it….!!!”

– Juanito, from United States

“I no longer have acne on my cheeks, my scars are slowing fading away…”

“Thank you, ever since I started reading your articles and following your regimen, I no longer have acne on my cheeks, my scars are slowing fading away and finally I have confidence to ask a fine ass girl out lol!!

Really has changed my life!! Your really a god send!

Keep it up, maybe one day you’ll have a show like Dr. Oz, rofl. Thanks for everything!”

– Victor H., from United States

“I’m Finally Clear!”

Before I close, I want to tell you about one of the most exciting things that I remember when clearing acne that my clients and I have experienced. It’s something that we’ve been talking about a lot recently, and we’ve started calling it “Can’t Believe I’m Finally Clear.”  It’s when you look in the mirror or you walk by your reflection in a window and you suddenly realize, “Wow, I can’t believe I’m finally clear.”  Acne will have become a thing of the past.  A thing of yesterday.  A distant memory.

Don’t let another day go by. Make the decision right now to create this new life for yourself… and don’t let anything stop you from achieving your dreams.

It’s time to stop just working hard, but clearing SMART.

Your Personal Acne Coach,

Ray J. Wang

P.S. This is a program that was created not by some scientist in a lab that’s never had acne.  This program was created by someone who spent years of his life suffering from acne until one day he had enough of the breakouts, the pimples, and the depression.  That’s why the Acne Free Diet offers you REAL solutions because it understands where you’re coming from and what you’ve tried and been through.  It’s designed to save you money in the long run so that you can be truly acne free and never have to rely on another product again.

FTC Legal Disclaimer: Results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are real, and all the guys pictured transformed their faces through using “Acne Free Diet” and Ray J. Wang’s system. However, these results are meant as a showcase of what the best, most motivated clients have done and should not be taken as average or typical results.

In addition, you assume certain risks inherent in exercise and nutrition programs by using this system. The Acne Free Diet involves eating healthy, vitamins, and alternative nutrition. You should not begin the program if you have a physical condition. In addition, The Acne Free Diet requires you to follow an eating plan and at times restrict the amount of calories you consume. You should not begin this eating plan if you have physical or psychological issues which make fat loss dangerous.

Ray is not a doctor, and his advice is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your physician before beginning any nutrition program. See our full FTC Legal Disclaimer for complete details.